Don't blame.


Don't blame. In my three decades of network marketing, I've yet to see someone who failed because of a bad sponsor or upline. Yet, I hear this as the primary reason why people fail - they weren't supported by their sponsor. It's interesting that in my over 30 years, I've never had a real supportive upline and in interviewing many...

Most people don't actually join your company, they join you. They will join because they like and trust you. So, how do you get people to like and trust you. Well, to start, you might want to read the book, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Next, learn how to create rapport. People like people who...

Create a fun culture. People don't like to be sold, but they do like to join. They also like being around fun, successful people, so create a fun and successful culture and more people will join. Give your team a name, create a team web site, have weekly calls or local meetings with your team. Also, don't make it...

Life Coach/MLM Consultant/Mentor/Keynote Speaker All rights reserved.  

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